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12 January 2011

tolonglah cepat sembuh. :)

assalamualaikum semua. :)
da lame tak update blog ni kan. rindu. ehe.
act hari ni aeda demam. uhu. teruk juga demam nya. sepanjang duk kat usm nih,dah 2 kali demam. ape kena la. lemah sangat ko nih aeda.ehe
benda paling aeda lemah kalau demam nih 'rindu'. kalau demam je mule lah manje je. yela kalau kat rumah mama dengan abah ada. duduk teman, jage dengan penuh kasih sayang.ehe. kalau kat usm nih, harapkan membe-membe la. nasib ada diorang. rindu sangat kat mama dengan abah. waaa~
first time sem nih aeda ponteng kelas.opssss.bukan ponteng lah. skip je.ahaha. tak larat sangat. tapi nasib ade diorang nih, eton ngan syida.. diorang masuk kelas lambat sebab anta aeda g klinik. tengs ya sayang-sayang ku sekalian. kalian memang baek. tengs tuk myra arsyad juga kerana bagi pinjam kereta. 1 muah untuk korang. ehe.
ni la bende paling aeda tak suke.kene makan UBAT. aduyai..i hate it. kenapa semua ubat pahit. kalau manis pon sikit je, dalam 5% je. uhu. thats why la aeda tak suke g klinik. kalau boleh nak biar je sembuh sendiri. kalau macam tu memang tak sembuh-sembuh la ko aeda.ehe
mase akak kat kaunter amik ubat tu panggil aeda, da menggigil kaki nih nak g amik ubat. 'AIDA FITRI,AMIK UBAT.' aduh akak nih. kene bagi ke ubat. saye datang  nak check suhu badan je.
dengan muke redho dan tersengih-sengih macam kerang busuk aeda g amik ubat tu.

akak kaunter : adik makan ubat nih ikut mase yer. ubat antibiotik nih habiskan tau, 2 biji 3 kali sehari.
aeda : akak,kalau sebiji sehari bole tak? demam saye da kurang nih.
akak kaunter : *muke pelik.aik,cepat betol sembuh. tapi adik kene habiskan juga.
aeda : wajib ke akak?
akak kaunter : wajib la*muke serius.
aeda : baek.*sambil tunduk.garang la akak nih.huh..!

aduh.tak suke ubat. tak suke.tak suke.tak suke. tapi demi sembuh telan juga la.uhu
kawan-kawan, doakan aeda cepat sembuh k. :)

tengs for reading.kiss ckit.muah..!

03 January 2011


congratulation sayang,hairul saufe. kiss sikit, muuuaah..! hee :) 
awak dah daftar degree kan..?
hadiah pertama yang awak dapat for this year right? hope lepas ni awak dan saye akan same-same berjaye.
rasenye tak terlambat lagi, gudbye 2010,welcome 2011.

p/s : kepada cik farihan saye mintak maap tak contact awak time awak register ari tu. saye busy sikit. huu. btw, congratulation k da degree. harap-harap dapat lah kite jumpe nanti.hee.

tengs for reading.kiss ckit.muah..!

02 January 2011

tibe-tibe rindu awak.sob3.

assalamualaikum kawan-kawan.ehe.
act da lame tak update blog nih.nak wat macammane kan lappy masuk wad.nih pon duk makan ubat tahan sakit,kalau tak memang tak update dah la.
saye baru balik dr pulau pangkor.ehe.meraikan pasukan bola sepak kte menang.eeh macam la die yang maen.haha.oppsss..tapi entry nih bukan nak cite pasal pangkor tuh.pangkor tuh nex time yaa..sabar okeh..!ehe.
malam nih tibe-tibe kangan sama die.uhu.tak tau la nape.jap..kepade sesiape yang takmau bace entry jiwang nih bole pejam mate sekarang.ehe.ni khas tuk sesiape yang berminat nak bace je.hee.. :)
opie..opie..petang tadi awak tinggal saye kan.saye da pikir macam-macam tau.-awak nk tinggal kan saye ke?saye ade wat salah kat awak ke?..rupe-rupenye....awak tinggal fon dalam bilik dan g jalan-jalan.saye nih punye la risau kot-kot la awak g berjiwang ngn pempuan laen.hee..saye jeles taw. :D tapi takpe.saye maapkan awak.ehe..
awak saye rindu la.rindu nak dengar awak menyanyi..awak gelak..dan paling penting rindu nak dengar awak ajuk cakap saye..grrrr..geram ngan awak nih tau.. ^^
saye nak awak tau saye sayang sangat kat awak.awak la selalu bagi saye semangat selain ma ngn abah.setiap kali saye sedih awak mesti ade wat saye gelak.saye happy ngan awak tau. :)

awak......saye takkan lupe saat-saat ni awak.
-saye menangis sbb keputusan exam saye teruk,awak nak datang jumpe saye.tp..saye tak bagi sbb awak tak sihat time tu.awak cakap hidung awak berhingus kan..ehehe :)
-awak teman saye naek bas balik temerloh.awak tinggal motor awak sebab nak teman saye.awk ni kan....da kene bayar tambang bas.baek naek motor je.kn jimat.heee~
-makan aiskrim same-same.hee..tp aiskrim saye cair.abis baju ngan seluar saye kene aiskrim.tapi..saye suke sebab tu kenangan kite makan aiskrim same-same kan. :)
-mase kite kawan-kawan dulu,awak menyanyi tuk saye.igt tak?baik-baik sayang.saye suke dengar suare awak.kalau awak bace mesti muke awak merah kan.padan muke awak..ehe.suke.suke.suke..!
rasenye cukup dah kot.kalau ikutkan hati banyak lagi tapi dah tak larat la.hee.
penyakit rindu nih memang takde ubat kan.masalah betol.ni baru rindu cwitheart,kalau rindu mama dah bengkak-bengkak mate nangis.*kantoi anak manje.ehehe.

p/s : kepada hairul saufe jaini,saye aida fitri mintak maaf kalau saye ade lukekan hati sepanjang ape yang saye cite nih. saye tersangat rindukan awak. huu. and 1 more thing,i lov u so much sayang. forever. tengs for everything. 

permata hati saye. :)
hee..saye lah tu.

                                                                musykil nih.nape ade minah ni.ehe.ni lah sorang lagi
                                                           permata hati saye.diksya. saje nk interprem gamba die.aha.

tengs for reading.kiss ckit.muah..!

12 December 2010

Avenged Sevenfold - Warmness On The Soul Lyrics

tengs for reading.kiss ckit.muah..!

10 December 2010

I Love you Not

Boy: Baby, we need to talk.
Girl: Ricardo, what do u mean?
Boy: Something has come up...
Girl: What? What's wrong? Is it bad?
Boy: I don't want to hurt you, baby.
Girl: *Thinks* Oh my God, I hope he doesnt break up with me... I love him so much.
Boy: Baby, are you there??
Girl: Yeah, I'm here. What is so important??
Boy: I'm not sure if I should say it..
Girl: Well, you already brought it up, so please just tell me.
Boy: I'm leaving...
Girl: Baby, what are u talking about?? I don't want you to leave me, I love you.
Boy: Not like that, I mean I'm moving far away.
Girl: Why? All of your famliy lives over here.
Boy: Well, my father is sending me away to a boarding school far away.
Girl: I can't believe this.
[FATHER: (Picks up the other phone, interrupts & yells furiously
ERICA!, what did I tell you about talking to boys?!!!... Get off the
damn phone!! (And hangs up).]
Boy: Wow, your father sounds really mad.
Girl: You know how he gets, but anyways, I dont want you to go.
Boy: Would you run away with me?
Girl: Baby, you know I would, I would do anything for you, but I can't... You don't know what would happen if I did. My dad would kill me!
Boy: *Sad* It's okay.. I understand, I guess..
Girl: *Thinking*I can't believe what's going on.
Boy: I need to give you something tonite, because I am leaving on
flight 1-80 in the morning, so I need to see you now.
Girl: Okay, I will sneak out & meet you at the park.
Boy: Okay, I'll meet you there in 20 minutes.
[They meet at a nearby park, they both hug eachother. And he gives
her a note.]
Boy: Here you go, this is for you. I gotta go.
Girl: *Tear* (Begins to cry.)
Boy: Baby, dont cry, you know I love you... But I have to go.
Girl: Okay (Begins to walk away.)
[They both go back home. And Erica begins to read the letter he gave her]
It says...

You probably already know that I'm leaving, I knew this would be better if I wrote a letter explaining the truth about how much I care about you. The truth is, is that I never loved you, I hated you so much, you are my bitch and dont you ever forget that. I never cared about you, and never wanted to talk to you, and be around you. You really have no clue how much I hate you. Now that I'm leaving I thought you should know that I hate you, bitch. You never did the
right thing, and you were never there. I didnt think I could hate someone as much as I hate you. And I never want to see you, for the rest of my life, I will never miss kissing you like before, I never want to cuddle up, how we used to. I will not miss you and that's a promise. You never had my love, and I want you to remember that. Bitch, you keep this letter because this may be the last thing you have from me. Fuck, I hate you so much. I will not talk to you soon bitch... Goodbye.
- Ricardo"

[ Erica begins to cry, she throws the paper in tha garbage & crys for hours ]
... A day passes, she is sad, depressed and she feels so lonely... Then she gets a phone call....
Friend: How are you feeling?
Girl: I just cant believe this happened.. I thought he loved me.
Friend: Oh, about that. Ricardo left me a message. A few days ago. He told me to tell you to look in your jacket pocket or something...
Girl: Umm.. okay.

[She finds a piece of paper in the jacket,
It says:
"Baby I hope you find this before you read my letter. I knew your dad might read it, so I switched a few words...
Hate = Love
Never = Always
Bitch = Baby
Will not= will
.... I hope you didn't take that seriously because I love you with all my heart, and it was so hard to let you go thats why I wanted you to run away with me... -Ricardo"]

Girl: Oh my God! It's a letter.. Ricardo does love me!!, he must of slipped it into my pocket when he hugged me. I can't believe how stupid I am!!
Friend: lol Okay but I g2g... Call me later.
Girl: *happy*okay, bye, I'll be at home waiting for my baby to call me!

... Erica turns the T.V. on......
[Breaking news] "An airplane has crashed. Over 47 young boys died, we are still searching for survivors... This is a tragedy we will never forget, this plane was flight 1-80... it was on its way to an all boys boarding school..." the Reporter says.
[ She turns off the t.v. ... 3 days later, she kills herself, because of the fact that Ricardo was dead & she had nothing to live for... ]
... A day after that the phone rings. Nobody answers. It was Ricardo, he called to leave a message. "Its Ricardo, I guess you're not home so, I called to let you know that I'm alive, I missed my flight because I had to see you one last time. So, I hope your not worried. I am staying for good.

tengs for reading.kiss ckit.muah..!